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India's mummy sweet baby girl December 31, 2008

Another month, another year

Another smile, another tear.

Another summer, winter too

But there will never be another you.


sweet dreams baby girl



Wendy Bieberle Mom to ^i^ Cameron Bieberle December 31, 2008

Dear Melissa and family,

Thank you for lighting a candle for my son. I am so so sorry for the heartbreaking loss of your little baby Calypso.  I love her name.  My Cameron and I loved Pirates of the Carribean and for his 18th birthday party that was the theme.  In fact, there is picture of him on his website from that day wearing a pirate cap.  I would like to think that he is up there playing with the babies and keeping her entertained with his "Argghh!"  And she is smiling and laughing at him.  I looked at and read everything on this site.  I am sure Calypso knows what a wonderful mother and family she has and she is also amazed by you.  I also got a tattoo (small one) for my son and would love to see yours.  Though they are gone from this earth, they will always be our children, always loved and missed so very much.

mummy New Years December 31, 2008
   Dearest wee bit. Your site is up and running again. It's been a long time since I wrote to you on here. But the site is up forever now so you don't have to worry.

   We're raising money now for your headstone with the pirate ship on it. We've made about $523 of it!! So we're getting there!! I really hope we're able to raise the money! I think a stone with the Flying Dutchman on it will be your PERFECT headstone.
    Your Auntie 'Mama Jean' thinks the music and the background for your site is perfect and she says she loves the wee falling boats.

    As you know on Christmas we took you out tons and tons new toys and a new Me to You Bear also! We'll leave your tree up out there for a while longer. It will probably come down around January 6th so I can get ready to add Valentines decorations.

   Christmas was really hard without you this year. I broke down a few times. I miss you baby girl so so much
mummy 9 months old March 15, 2008

Dear Calypso,

  Happy 9 months Angel Baby!! I don't have any good poems and I'm not doing well right now. So I'm just going to say I miss you and love you so much.

Love always,


mummy 8 months in heaven! March 7, 2008

Dear Calypso,

You’ve been in Heaven for 8 months now. That seems like such a loong loong time to us here on earth, but to you it’s probably gone by so fast. I miss you a lot right now. Your first Easter is coming up. Me and your sisters and daddy are taking you an easter bunny from Aunty Kellie tomorrow! He’s purple and holding an Easter egg and sooo sooo soft. I know you’ll love him. We also found a bottle with a cork and Freja and Raeden both wrote you notes to put into it. And Daddy and I did too. On the outside of the bottle is a small Rosary that Aunt Kellie sent you too. She is a very sweet lady as you already know.

I found this poem today and it reminded me of you.


Dear Mr Easter Bunny,

I just had to write today...

To see if you stop in Heaven...

As you hop along your way?

You see...a part of me is up there...

That I miss with all my heart...

You sister lost her battle...

With a disease that tore our lives apart.

So, I wanted to know if you go there???

And if I could ask a favor of you?

Can you take her a basket to heaven?

Filled with colored eggs and bunnies too?

And could you please add a green egg for me?

Mom says green means new life and rest,

For my sister is now resting in heaven...

No more pain and no more tests.

And could you also add an orange egg for me?

Orange for the color of a candles flame,

For my sisters little light will always shine...

Although our lives will never be the same.

And could you add an egg so blue?

For blue is the color of a cloudless sky,

And when I see the geese flying over me...

I know its a sign...from her way up high.

And we cant forget a yellow egg too...

For yellow is the color of the rising sun,

And my sisters love will shine down on me...

For all my days and nights to come.

And we also need a rainbow colored egg...

For the rainbow way up high in the sky,

For Mom says she will always live within me...

And her spirit will never die.

And last but not least a red egg if you could?

For we all know red means the color of love,

And I love my sister oh so much...

Please send my love to her above.

Thank you Mr Easter Bunny...

I really appreciate your time today...

And I will say a prayer for you too...

As you hop to Heaven for me on Easter day.

When you take her basket up to the Heavens...

Can you please whisper in her ear?

And wish her the happiest Easter From me...

For I miss her more with each passing year.

mummy Poem February 28, 2008

The time we had with you was brief,
We had to say good-bye,
Now angels kiss your little face,
And sing your lullaby.


Someday again, we'll be with you,
To cherish all those things,
Until that day it helps to know,
You're safe in angels wings.

marie kyle&seanpauls mummy ofb sweet dreams February 21, 2008
You never said I'm leaving
You never said goodbye
You were gone before I knew it,
And only God knew why
A million times I needed you,
A million times I cried
If love alone could have saved you,
You never would have died
In life I loved you dearly
In death I love you still
In my heart you hold a place,
That no one could ever fill
It broke my heart to lose you,
But you didn't go alone
For part of me went with you,
The day God took you home
Jeanine God Bless you angel baby February 19, 2008
I happen to stumble across your memorial page and saw how much your mommy sure loved you. I know you are singing, dancing and playing with the other angels maybe my angel babies Zoe and Zak who were born and got their wings 7/10/05. What a great day it will be when we will see you all again and get all those stored up higs and kisses. I'll say a prayer for your parents that God will keep them strong, cause I know they will miss you forever.
Mummy 8 months and V-day! February 14, 2008

Dear Calypso,

 Happy 8 months birthday! And happy Valentine's Day!!!! I hope you guys are going to have a nice party in heaven! I miss you so badly today little angel. My heart hurts. I wish I could see you growing up. How big you are. What you would be doing today. I think about what you would be doing if you were here with me. You are just reaching that super fun age and I'm missing it. I'm missing your first crawl, you smiles, your babbling. It's not fair and it makes me hurt.

 Today big sister Raeden has a pulmonary appointment at Riley. That was your hospital you know. And Freja has a party at her school. While they are gone mommy is going to work on a flower arrangment for you. It's the first one I've done so I hope you'll like it anyway. We got a bunch of pretty carnations and an orange rose that Freja picked out just for you.
  We'll be taking them to your spot this afternoon.


This Valentine is not of the ordinary kind,
Its still filled with love...and blessings inside;
But mine has to be sent on the wings of love...
You see its destination is the Heavens above.


Its not being sent to my parents so dear,
For my Mom is still with me each day of the year;
Its being sent to my child...who left earth so soon,
Who's now in the Heavens with the stars and the moon


The message is the same as your valentine,
"I love sweet precious child of mine;
My love is still deeper than the ocean is blue,
And its sent with hugs and kisses...from me to you


"I don't know why we have to go through this pain,
Our lives without you will never be the same;
"I know you are with me each and every day,
You listen as I talk to you...and hear what I say;


"I know you are in the best of care,
But it's so hard for us left on earth to bear;
Could you put in a request from us left behind...
For God to send us some peace of mind."


"Happy Valentines day Calypso...I miss you so much,
I know you know how many lives you have touched;
You'll always be mine...I love you with all my heart,
I know we will be together again...and then we'll never part."


For that is one thing that death cannot do...'ll always be apart of me...and me a part of you.

So you see the meaning is still the same...
The method of delivery is the only change;

Mine must be sent by a little white dove...
On the wings of Love.


  We're going to get you a heart balloon today Calypso and we'll let it fly up with a message so I hope you are ready to catch it. I'm getting ready to end this letter dear one, but know you are ALWAYS in my heart and thoughts. I miss you my sweet ballerina.

love always and forever

Mummy 7 months February 7, 2008

Dearest Calypso,

Today you’ve been gone 7 months. 7 long months. I miss you so very much. My heart is shattered with mourning for you. I wonder what you’d be doing today and what you are doing that I can’t see.



I thought of you with love today but that is nothing new

I thought about you yesterday and days before that too,

I think of you in silence I often speak your name

All I have are memories and your picture in a frame

Your memory is my keepsake with which I’ll never part

God has you in His keeping I have you in my heart.



We’re still waiting on your headstone. When it gets installed we’re going to have a balloon release. You’ll be 8 months old next week! Can you believe you are already getting so old!? It’s amazing! I took your ballet shoes out to your garden, did you see them? I really hope you like them! Freja picked out where to put them.


I don’t know if you know but this summer I’m taking some workshops on cemetery preservation. And hopefully will be getting together a restoration group to fix up the old stones at the cemetery around you. I’m going to start cleaning them in Spring. I’m going to let you go now sweetie. I hope you have a wonderful day, and a beautiful angel day. I miss you and will forever.

Love Always,


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